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Monthly Check-in (월별 체크인) | 2021년 9월 Episode 59

Monthly Check-in (월별 체크인) | 2021년 9월

Early this week, I just had an idea to make the first episode of every month be a check-in episode. It's where I tell you what's going on with the podcast and what's going on with me. If there are stories from listeners, I'll also make sure to share them here. But today there are none, so it's all about what I'm up to these days. Listen and I hope y'all have a good night and wonderful dreams ^^

· 12:21

Early this week, I just had an idea to make the first episode of every month be a check-in episode. It's where I tell you what's going on with the podcast and what's going on with me. If there are stories from listeners, I'll also make sure to share them here. But today there are none, so it's all about what I'm up to these days. Listen and I hope y'all have a good night and wonderful dreams ^^

Let me know what you want me to talk about in the next episodes.
Whisper to me on Twitter  @RomeJuanatas
Look me up on IG @gksehwns1

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별자리 // Constellations is part of the BUNK Collective. Discover more podcasts at thebunkph.com and connect with us through social media @thebunkph | Support this podcast through patreon.com/thebunkph to receive special perks! | For inquiries, e-mail us at constellations@thebunkph.com


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